Antoni Serra
- (Sóller, 1936)
- Genre: Narrative
Antoni Serra, writer and journalist, was born in Sóller (Mallorca) in 1936. He has published some forty books, including novels, short stories and essays. His beginnings in the world of literature are in Spanish, and his trilogy Camino hacia la horca (Destinos, 1965; Marius, 1967, and Radiografía, 1971) should be highlighted. From 1971, he chose the Catalan language for his activity as a writer, and among his novels there are three attempts at experimental narrative, with the intention of renewal: La gloriosa mort de Joan Boira (1973), El cap dins el cercle (1979) and Rapsòdia per a una nit de Walpurgis, Nureddunna (1981). Other novels, in which the civil war on the island appears as a backdrop, are Mes enllà del mur (1986), Carrer de l'Argenteria, 36 (1988) and Llibre de família (1991). In the 1980s, he created one of his most illustrious and famous characters, Celso Mosqueiro, as the protagonist of five works in the criminal genre: El blau pàl-lid de la rosa de paper (1985), L'arqueòloga va somriure abans de morir (1986) (translated into Spanish under the title La arqueóloga sonrió antes de morir, 1989), Espurnes de sang (1989), RIP, senyor Mosqueiro (1989) and Cita a Belgrad (1992). Two volumes of his personal diary have also been published so far under the general title Diari d'ombres, paisatges i figures. His essays include El (meu) testament literari (1997), Passió (confessable) per la cinematografia (2005) and Llarg adéu a la vida (2006), a critical reflection on the literature of his time.

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March 16, 2015.