Violeta Lópiz
Friends from the Heart
Amigos do Peito

"Friends from the Heart". Claudio Thebas and Violeta Lópiz.
In this book we are taken by the hand of a little boy who lives in a neighborhood like many others. He talks us about his friends, his friends from the heart. For this reason, the little boy takes us through the streets of his neighborhood. His neighborhood is quite similar to ours: there’s a school, a bar, a house on the corner, a garden, high buildings. But the streets and the houses aren’t the only familiar thing, also the little boy’s voice sounds familiar, quite like ours… It is this common ground that we all recognize, because we are all made out of friends and places. A poetic text by Cláudio Thebas wonderfully interpreted and amplified by the beautiful illustrations of Violeta Lópiz.