Violeta Lópiz
The old lady´s Golden Rolls
I pani d'oro della vecchina

"The old lady´s Golden Rolls". Annamaria Gozzi and Violeta Lópiz.
Published in french: "La Vieille dame et les brioches d'or" Cambourakis.
In a village surrounded by a river, in an outlandish house, an old woman lived. Every day she took a lot of trouble to cook many delicious dishes, and then in the evening, sitting at the window on her rocking chair, she enjoyed the sight of the fog rising slowly from the river and swallowing everything. But one day, an unexpected guest knocked at her door: It was a Dark Shadow who wanted to take the old woman away. No way: the old lady had to prepare some superfine Christmas cakes. No one can make them as tasty as she does. So the Shadow will have to wait. The Shadow is annoyed, but then she makes him taste one of those sweet cakes, and then another one... And the Dark Shadow realizes that he'd never tasted anything like that. A fascinating Gypsy folk tale, interpreted by Annamaria Gozzi and Violeta Lópiz with intense emotion.